The founders of our republic outlined the rights and responsibilities of Congress in the first article of our Constitution for a reason. Congress is supposed to be the first branch among equals, and yet for the last few decades, Congress has relinquished much of its authority by depriving itself of the resources necessary to carry out its constitutional responsibilities. While it is essential for Congress to be fiscally responsible, it is also important that Congress adequately fund itself so that it can fulfill its legislative and oversight responsibilities. The FY24 legislative branch appropriations bill strikes the right balance between fiscal responsibility and fiscal support, and we are therefore proud to support this measure.
In particular, we strongly support the funding increases for legislative support agencies such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which receives an additional $21.5 million, and the maintenance of funding for congressional committees. We also appreciate the provision prohibiting the U.S. Capitol Police from purchasing drones manufactured in the People's Republic of China or by a business affiliated with the People's Republic of China.
We appreciate the hard work that members and staff have put into this appropriations package and look forward to continuing to work with the Appropriations Committee to help strengthen Congress through appropriations.