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Roslyn Layton

Non-Resident Senior Fellow

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Roslyn Layton, PhD, is Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Foundation for American Innovation. She is an international technology expert who explains the economics, security, and geopolitics of broadband internet.

She is Senior Vice President of Strand Consult and Visiting Researcher at Aalborg University Copenhagen where she earned a doctorate in internet economics. She served on the Presidential Transition Team for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Roslyn founded the think tank China Tech Threat for promote policy to protect Americans’ privacy, security and prosperity from malicious technology and practices by the People’s Republic of China. She testified to the US Senate on the need for spectrum reform, the security advantages of 5G versus Wi-Fi, and the empirical and ethical case for fair cost recovery for broadband networks. She is a Senior Contributor to Forbes.

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