



Promote Competition Without Punishing Success


Promote Competition Without Punishing Success

October 30, 2020

The "break-them-up" crowd does not grasp the negative consequences of sweeping anti-tech actions.

With declining public sentiment about the tech industry and its impact on society, we’ve witnessed a growing chorus of advocates and policymakers arguing that now is the time for the federal government to take drastic action.

Indeed, half of Americans now favor breaking up and more strictly regulating major technology companies, while only 11% think the companies should be regulated less.

This punitive sentiment has been on full display in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law, which has undertaken a year-long investigation of Big Tech, recently bringing together a hearing with the CEOs of Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon.

The effort reached its conclusion on Tuesday, with the publication of a 449-page report (as well as a shorter minority report) making recommendations for substantial legal changes that could pave the way to broad new enforcement and regulatory actions.

Click here to read the full article in The American Conservative.

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